Mosterd sessions PART 3: 4 Famous Outdoor Photograpers outside Belgium

’t is vrijdag en bijna weekend, perfect voor deze “Mosterd sessions”



Deel 3: ’t is een heel tijd geleden dat ik de Mosterd Sessions heb aangevuld. (Voorgaande posts: Deel I en Deel II )

Bij deze, in onderstaande blogpost vind je een lijstje van mijn ‘heroes’ of gewoon mensen die prachtige outdoor pictures nemen. Ik schrijf deze post in ’t engels zodat ze, moesten ze meelezen, toch een beetje begrijpen wat ik over hen schrijf…

Part 3 of the mosterd sessions. ‘Mosterd’ is dutch for mustard. in this thirth part, you will find some famous photographers outside Belgium. Some of them aren’t only mountainbike photographers but they inspire me in what they do.


Chase Jarvis

Who don’t know this guy? Oke, it isn’t a fulltime mountainbike photographer BUT… it was one of the first guys who motivate me to go further on and exceeding my boundaries.

If you hear this guy explains something, you want to pick up your cam and do some crazy things you never done before. Look also at his blog & portfolio! The hole crew behind him is awesome! When you see some of his movies, always straight to the point and always open for a joke! So you see, I can’t stop talking about this guy. He gives me lots of energy!
Once, I hope to met him in Paris or maybe in Seattle to talk about everything except photography! Just dreaming on…






Seb Rogers

The first pure mountainbike photographer based in UK (which I discovered 5 years ago).
If you take a look at his site, you feel the vibe in the pictures. I love his style and also his blog where he from time till time explains some of his behind-the-scene setups. He also organise workshops, very usefull if you want to start with photograph bikes and other wheelturning-stuff.


Reuben Krabbe

Also another great photographer Reuben Krabbe. Based in Whistler, made allready lots of covershots which are so breathless… Not only his bike-pics but also ski and wintershots are so unique and creative!





Dan Barham

I follow Dan for a few years now and he still makes impressive pictures. Check also his instagram pics…

